Thursday, August 26, 2010

This is What Inspired the Mechanism of Ink Pens Read more:

The name "pen" are derived from the Latin word "penna", which means feather. This is a written instrument, manually by capillary action applies ink to a surface, usually paper. Pen can be used in inks of many colors but commonly make use of inks in various shades between black, blue, red, and sometimes green. Many different kinds of pens, some of which are listed here mean the pen Reed, Quills, Mr. Metal, Fountain pen, Ballpoints, felt tip, roller ball and the porous Point. All the pens of the world was made around variety. Pen is also classified depending on the type of tips that accompanies the pen, there is the ballpoint pen, the rollerball pen, pen, felt-tip pen and also the gel pen.

Ink pen is built very slowly over time, ink pen is true quill pen changed in the 19th century fountain pen. For over 3,000 years Quill writing instruments are found in most cultures all around the world. Despite what the movies say, the first quill pen used only a small portion of the wing as a pointed end and the rest is thrown away. In other parts of the world such as Asia, the pen was replaced by some kind of brushes that are still present in traditional writing forms. The first step in the development of ink pen industry was the invention of steel and the mass production of steel pen points. They are sold in many sizes and shapes according to the major varieties of writing styles. Simple pen points are fitted only in a container and dipped in ink, then you can write a few words and dip again and so on.

How happy we return to historical records we can trace the initial patent for the pen ink, it is owned by Lewis Waterman man who created the Waterman company. He was the first in modern history to develop a model of fountain pen without any problems flow. It is true that pen with ink carrying capacity has existed for over a hundred years before him, but all models have suffered from common problems such as ink leaks. In 1702 a French called M. Bion made a pen that was very advanced for the day. America's fist to get the patent industry peregrin Williamson pen that got her recognition in 1809. Furthermore the first self-filling pen was recorded by Jacob John Parker in 1831, yet the common problem for all the old ink pen kept ink spills and material issues, this is why they had close to zero commercial success.

The mechanism of the pen ink is simple, they contain three parts, the first is called "bill of", the second "feed" and the third is the cannon shot, tied the nib and feed together. Nice idea Lewis Waterman's will introduce a small hole in the steel for air to enter, and three small grooves in the feeding mechanism, the combined solution successfully prevented the ink spilled. As for the reservoir, the first pen in the ink reservoir used an eyedropper, then, since 1915 self-filling sacks of rubber is used. coat is usually pressed with a metal plate to produce the required pressure is released once suck the ink in the reservoir.

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